Friday, 29 June 2018

Selected Literary Terms

1.      What is Poetry? Poetry is a spontaneous and powerful overflow of human feelings.
2.      Drama (Play) (GR. Deed, action, play) the form of literature intended to be performed usually in some kind of theater. Drama comes to life when it is interpreted in the performance of actors who adopt the roles of characters and speak the dialogues.
3.      Farce A kind of drama intended primarily to provoke laughter, using exaggerated characters and complicated plots, full of absurd episodes, ludicrous situations and knockabout action. Mistaken identity is frequently an element in the plot. The example being The Bear in BA and The Importance of Being Earnest at Master’s. Comedy A road genre which encompasses a large variety of different kinds of literature; however, Comedy is used most often with reference to a kind of drama which is intended primarily to entertain the audience, and which ends happily for the characters.
4.      Satire Literature which examines or exhibits vice and folly and makes them appear ridiculous or contemptible. Satire differs from Comic in having a purpose. It is directly against a person and thing.
5.      Allegory An emblem; a picture or a piece of writing in which meaning is symbolically represented. The simplest form of Allegory consists of a story or situation written in such a way as to have two coherent meanings. The Old Man and the Sea is an allegorical novel.
6.      Tragedy Basically a tragedy traces the career and downfall of an individual and shows in the downfall both the capacities and limitations of human life. The Protagonist may be a superhuman, a monarch or, in the modern age, an ordinary person. Aristotle in his Poetics analyzed and observed that it presented a single action of a certain magnitude, that it provoked in the audience the emotions of pity and terror which were then resolved or dissolved by Catharsis at the play’s climax. 
7.      Soliloquy (Lat. To speak alone) A curious but fascinating dramatic convention, which allows a character in a play or novel to speak directly to the audience, as if thinking aloud about motives, feelings and decisions. In Othello, Iago has soliloquized his motives and so has Smirnov in the Bear.
8.      Irony is a contradictory outcome. There are many types of Irony. In dramatic irony, When the audience of the play know more than the characters and can therefore foresee the tragic or comic circumstances which will befall. In situational irony, there is difference from expectation: Suicide committed by an admired person or murder may be plotted by an apparently harmless person. In verbal irony, we say one thing but mean another: the meaning is far from the usual meaning, calling a humble baker a rich man. It implies a contrast or discrepancy between what is said and meant.
9.      Novel. Almost no one definition is complete because novels are so varied and different in nature. Still one can start, Novel is an extended prose fiction narrative of 50,000 words or more, broadly realistic--concerning the everyday events of ordinary people--and concerned with character. "People in significant action" is one way of describing it.  Another definition might be "an extended, fictional prose narrative about realistic characters and events." It is a representation of life, experience, and learning. Action, discovery, and description are important elements, but the most important tends to be one or more characters--how they grow, learn, find--or don't grow, learn, or find.  
10.  Symbol. Something that on the surface is its literal self but which also has another meaning or even several meanings. For example, a sword may be a sword and also symbolize justice. A symbol may be said to embody an idea. There are two general types of symbols: universal symbols that embody universally recognizable meanings wherever used, such as light to symbolize knowledge, a skull to symbolize death, etc., and constructed symbols that are given symbolic meaning by the way an author uses them in a literary work, as the whales become symbols of evil and lions of strength in The Old Man and the Sea.
11.  Alliteration:  repetition of the same sound beginning several words in sequence. It was roses roses all the way, with myrtle mixed in my path like mad.
12.  Metaphor: implied comparison achieved through a figurative use of words; the word is used not in its literal sense, but in one analogous to it *Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player. You are a lion of the jungle.
13.Personification:  is attribution of personality to an impersonal thing.   
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance                   
And watch her feet, how they can dance
14.  Simile: an explicit comparison between two things using 'like' or 'as'
You are as brave as a tiger.       
People were walking like the dead with vacant eyes. 
She is like a friend to me.
15.  Dramatic Monologue: A speech delivered when a character is either alone or isolated on the stage.  In dramatic monologue or soliloquy, the character freely gives vent to his feelings. The audience overhears the character talking to himself or herself. The Monologues could be private as well as public.
16.  Image and Imagery: A figurative or descriptive language that appeals to the five senses or the use of words and sentences to create an object or scene in the mind of the reader or listener is called an image. Imagery is the whole painted atmosphere created by the use of images.
17.  Syllables:  The unit of sound is called a syllable such as Work has one syllable; but  Work-ing has two.
18.  Line, verse, stanza:  The single written poetic line is called the Line when two lines are combined they make a Verse and when two or more verses are collected, they form a Stanza.
19.  Subjective or Objective: A thought is subjective when it is concerned with the personal reaction of somebody and objective when it ignores what the individual feels about something; but concentrates on the object itself. The Protagonist (main character of the story) in Araby by James Joyce has subjective feelings about the bazaar but the objective reality of that place was different.
20.  Protagonist: The main character in a story, novel or play about whom the whole story revolves such as the Old Man in the novel and the writer in James Joyce’ Araby.

The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
                        “When April comes with his sweet fragrant
                        Showers, which pierce the dry ground of March”
            People want to go on religious pilgrimages to spiritual places in the springtime,when the April rains have soaked deep into the dry ground to water the flowers’ roots; and when Zephyrus, the god of the west wind, has helped new flowers to grow everywhere; and when you can see the constellation Aries in the sky; and when the birds sing all the time. Some people go to other countries, but many people in England choose to go to the city of Canterbury in southeastern England to visit the remains of Thomas Becket, the Christian martyr who had the power of healing people.  One spring, when I was making my own humble pilgrimage to Canterbury, I stayed at theTabard Inn in the city of Southwark. While I was there, a group of twenty-nine people who were also making the same pilgrimage arrived at the hotel. None of them had really known each other before, but they had met along the way. It was a pretty diverse group of people from different walks of life. The hotel was spacious and had plenty of room for all of us. I started talking with these people and pretty soon fit right into their group. We made plans to get up early and continue on the journey to Canterbury together.  But before I begin my story, I should probably tell you all about the twenty-nine people in this group—who they were what they did for a living, and what they were all wearing. I’ll start by telling you about the knight.

                        “As wel in Christendom as hethenesse,
                        And evere honoured for his worthtinesse”
            There was an honorable Knight, who had devoted his life to chivalry, truth, and justice. He had fought for his king in many wars throughout Europe and the Middle East and had won many awards for his bravery.  This knight had been there and done it all. He had helped to conquer the city of Alexandria in Egypt in 1365 and had dined with royalty in Prussia on many occasions. He’d fought in Lithuania and Russia more times than any other Christian knight. He’d been at the siege of Algeciras in Grenada, Spain, and had conquered enemies in North Africa and Eastern Europe. He’d been all over the Mediterranean Sea. He’d been in fifteen battles—three of them against the heathens of Algeria—and he‘d never lost once. This knight had even fought with the pagan king of Istanbul in Turkey against another non-Christian. Despite his huge success and his noble lineage, he was practical, self-disciplined, and humble. Never had he said anything bad about another person. He truly was the most perfect knight in every way possible. Now, to tell you about his clothes. He rode fine quality horses, but he didn’t wear flashy clothes. He wore a simple cotton shirt that had stains all over it from the chain mail he‘d worn in the war he’d won just before starting out on the pilgrimage to Canterbury.

                        “Singing he was, or fleytinge all the day
                        He was as fresh as in the month of May”
            The knight’s son was also with us, a young Squire boy who was his father’s assistant. He was a gentle, happy boy who was well on his way to becoming a knight himself. He was about twenty years old, of average height, and had very curly hair. He was also very strong and physically fit. He‘d served in the army in some wars inHolland and France and had won honors there too, which he hoped would impress the girl he loved. In fact, he was so madly in love with this girl that he couldn’t even sleep at night. He wore a very colorful long shirt that had wide sleeves, and it looked like a field full of red and white flowers. You could tell he was young and carefree because he sang and played the flute all day. He’d write poetry and songs, draw, dance, and joust. All in all, he was a nice young man—humble, polite, and always willing to help out his dad.

                        “A Cristofre on his brest of silver shene
                        An horn he bar the bawdrik was of grene”
            A Yeoman or servant, accompanied the knight and his son, and since he was the only servant with them, he got to ride one of his master’s horses. This servant wore a green hooded jacket and carried a bow and a bundle of arrows made with bright peacock feathers. The quality of the peacock feathers alone told you that he was a pretty meticulous guy who always paid attention to the little details. He was also an excellent woodworker. He had tan skin, short hair, and wore a wrist guard and a sharp, shiny dagger. He also wore a silver Saint Christopher‘s medal around his neck and a hunting horn with a green strap over his shoulder. He also carried a sword and a shield. I guess he was a forester who spent a lot of time in the woods.

                        “And French she spake ful fair and fetisly
                        After the scole of Stratford- atte- Bowe”
            There was also a Prioress, a nun named Madame Eglantine, who ran a convent. She had a sweet and modest smile and was very friendly and easy to get along with. She sang hymns kind of through her nose, which actually sounded pretty good.She spoke French fluently— though still with an English accent. She prided herself on her proper manners and etiquette. For example, she always served herself small portions and took small bites of food so that none would fall out of her mouth or get her fingers too messy. And before taking a drink, she would dab her lip with a napkin so that food didn’t get all over her cup. She went to great lengths to appear well mannered and worthy of being a prioress. She was one of those people who felt so strongly for others that she would burst into tears if she saw a mouse caught in a trap. In fact, the only timeshe’d swear would be to say ―By Saint Loy! She had a few small dogs with her and would feed them only the finest food—roasted meat, milk, fine bread. She’d cry if one of those dogs died or was abused by someone else. She really did wear her heart on her sleeve. She had a fine nose, bright eyes, a small red mouth, and a broad forehead. In fact, her forehead was almost as wide as the span of my hand, since she was a good-sized woman. She wore a pretty cloak and a well-pressed cloth around her neck. Around her arm she wore a rosary made of coral and green beads, and on this string of beads hung a golden brooch with the letter A and the inscription ‘Amor vincit onmnia’ - love conquers all. She was accompanied by three priests and another nun, who was her assistant.

                        “No that Monk, when he is cloisterlees
                        is linked til a fish that is waterless”
            There was also a Monk, a splendid chap, who inspected his monastery’s lands.He was a man’s man who loved to hunt and who might one day become the head of his monastery. He kept many elegant horses, and when he rode them you could hear their bridle bells jingle as clearly as the bells of his monastery. He liked all things modern and new and didn’t care for old things, especially St. Benedict’s rule that monks should live simply and devote themselves to prayer and work. He didn’t give a damn for the notion that says monks can’t be hunters or anything but churchmen. I myself agreed with him. Why should he drive himself crazy reading books and working inside all the time? How is that going to accomplish anything useful? To hell with St. Augustine’s stupid rules. Instead, the monk was a horseman, and he kept fast grey hounds. He loved to go hunting, and his favorite catch was a fine fat swan. He spared no expense pursuing this hobby. It was therefore no surprise to see that the finest fur lined the cuffs of his sleeves or that he used a fancy golden pin to fasten his hood. In fact, it appeared to be a love knot, a symbol of enduring love. He had a shiny bald head and his face seemed to glisten. His eyes rolled about in his head and seemed to burn like fire. His brown horse was well groomed, his boots were well worn, and his skin looked healthy, not pale like a ghost’s. Indeed, he was a fine-looking churchman. 

                        “He hadde maad full many a marriage
                        Of young women at his own cost”
            Friar, named Hubert, who lived happily and excessively. He was a beggar, but a sweet talking one. Of all the friars in the world, he was the most playful. He was the best beggar in town and was so smooth that he could even get the poorest little old ladies to give him money. As a result, he made more money than he actually needed, which meant that he could play like a puppy all day long. He was good at resolving legal disputes too, and did so wearing thick, bell shaped robes that were so splendid he looked like the pope instead of a poor friar. He even pretended to have a lisp to make himself sound more dignified. He had married off many young ladies—much to his own dismay. Oh, he was one of the Church‘s finest all right! All the guys in town—and the women too—thought he was just great because, as he himself put it, there was no one who could hear confessions better than he could. All you had to do was slip him some change and he’d swear up and down that you were the most penitent person that ever lived, no matter what you’d done or how sorry you really were. And since bribes are easier than actual remorse, this guy had a lot of nice stuff, including a fair amount of jewelry in his robes that he’d use to woo the ladies. He could also play the fiddle and sing the sweetest songs with a twinkle in his eye. He knew all the bars in town and every bartender and barmaid too. He knew them much better, in fact, than he knew any of the lepers or beggar women or other poor people whom he was supposed to be helping. It wouldn’t have been fitting for him, the powerful man that he was, to be seen with such people. Besides, there’s no money to be made hanging out with the likes of them. Instead, he’d spend all his time with the wealthy, flattering them so that they would give him money. Nope, no one was more virtuous!

            There was also a Merchant who had a forked beard and wore clothes that looked like a jester‘s. This businessman wore a beaver hat from Holland and had expensive-looking boots. He spoke very seriously, making sure that everyone knew how wealthy and successful he was. He was particularly obsessed with making sure that the navy maintained order in the North Sea between England and Holland. He played the markets well and sold a lot of Dutch money in currency exchanges. This guy was pretty smart all right: He carried himself so well that no one suspected he was really heavily in debt. He was actually a good guy, and it‘s too bad I never learned his name.
Clerk from Oxford: 
                        “Twenty books clad in blank or read
                        Of Aristotle and his philosophy”
            Clerk from Oxford studied philosophy. His horse was a lean as a rake, and so was he for that matter. He looked hollow and serious. He wore a threadbare cloak because he didn’t make any money. He didn’t have a job because he didn’t want one.He’d rather own twenty philosophy books than have nice clothes or nice things. He used all the money his friends gave him to buy books, and he prayed for the souls of his friends for helping him to pursue his passion. Not surprisingly, he spent most of his time reading. He was polite, but he spoke only when it was necessary and important to do so. His speeches were short and quick but very insightful and often about morality. He was both eager to learn and eager to teach.

                        “For he was Epicurus own isone
                        That heeld opinion that pleyn delyt”
            Franklin had a fleshy red face and a snow-white beard. He loved to eat a piece of bread soaked in wine for breakfast every morning. He was an epicurean and believed that the pleasures of the world bring true happiness. He owned a large house and frequently entertained guests who came from miles around. He always had the best bread and beer, and there was so much meat and fish that it must have rained wine and hailed food at his house. He also liked to mix up his diet according to the seasons. His chicken coops were actually filled with partridges and his stewes filled with fish. I pity the chef who served him bland food! His dining room table was always loaded with food no matter what time of day it was. He wore a dagger and a white purse. He was a powerful Member of Parliament and a former sheriff. Nowhere was there a more worthy landowner.

            There was also a Haberdasher—a hatmaker—a Carpenter, a Weaver, a clothing Dyer and a Tapestry Maker. These men all belonged to the sameworkingmen’s union, called a guild. Because they belonged to the same guild, they all wore the same clothing too, which seemed to have been made just recently. They wore expensive accessories, including purses, belts, and even fancy knives with handles made of pure silver. Each of them seemed like he could have been a powerful leader of their guild or even a town council. They were certainly all wise enough and wealthy enough to do so. Their wives would no doubt have pushed them to take such positions of power because they too would benefit from being married to men of such prestige.
            The guildsmen brought a Cook with them to make them tasty dishes on their journey— spicy chickens and tarts and whatnot. The cook certainly knew a good beer when he saw one and could roast, broil, fry, and stew with the best of them. His chicken stew was particularly good. Too bad he had a nasty sore on his leg.

                        “Full money a draughte of wyn had her-drawe
                        From Burdeux-ward, whyl that the chapman sleep”
            There was also a Shipman, who came from the West, maybe as far away as the city of Dartmouth. He wore a cheap shirt that came down to his knees, and he rode an old, shabby horse. He also wore a dagger tied to a strap that hung across his chest. He had just recently brought over a wine merchant from Bordeaux on his ship—the Madeleine —and had gotten tan and more than a little drunk during the voyage. He was a good guy, but didn’t let his conscience bother him. When he won battles at sea he would release his captives. He was an excellent navigator too and knew how to read the stars better than any other man. He could sail in any waters and knew all the safe spots from Tunisia and Spain to Sweden. He was hardy and had weathered many storms. He was both wise and practical in everything he did. He is familiar with the Mediterranean to Baltic. He is also familiar with all harbours from Gotland to the Cape of Finisterre.

                        “For gold in Physic is a cordial
                        Therefore he lovede gold in special”
            There was also a medical Doctor with us, the best doctor in the whole world. This doctor knew astrology and the workings of the natural world and would only treat his patients when it was astrologically safe to do so. He knew the movement of the planets and had studied all the great theories of disease and medicine. He knew the cause of every disease and where it came from. He was really a great doctor. Once he’d figured out which disease his patient had, he immediately gave him the cure. He and the pharmacists had quite the racket going and were quick to prescribe drugs so that they‘d both profit. He ate simple food that was nutritious and easy to digest—nothing more—and he mostly read the Bible. He wore bright red and blue clothes made of the finest woven silk, but he saved the rest of his money because he really loved gold more than anything else. He knows about Hippocrates, Hesculapias, Aesculapius. He gives medicine supplied by chemist. He knows 4 humours of body (i.e.) heat, cold, moisture, dryness.
Wife of Bath: 
                        “Bold was her face and fair and reed of hewe
                        She was a worthy woman all hir lyve”
            There was a Wife from the city of Bath, England. She had a striking, noble face that had a reddish tint to it, though, sorry to say, she had a gap in her front teeth and was a little bit deaf. She wore a hat that was as wide as a shield, sharp spurs, and a pleated cloak over her legs to keep the mud off her dress. She also wore tightly laced red stockings and comfortable new shoes, and her kerchiefs were made of high-quality fabric. In fact, the ones she wore on her head every Sunday were so nice they must have weighed ten pounds. She was so good at weaving cloth that she was even better than the famous weavers from the cities of Ypres and Ghent in Belgium. She’d lived an honorable life and had married five times, not counting her other boyfriends she’d had when she was young—though there’s no need to talk about that now. She was the kind of woman who always wanted to be the first wife at church to make a donation to help the poor but would get angry and keep her money if any woman made a donation before she did. She rode her horse well and knew a lot about traveling because she‘d been to so many foreign places. She’d been to Jerusalem three times, for example. She’d also been on religious pilgrimages to the cities of Rome and Bologne in Italy, to the shrine of St. James in Spain, and to Cologne, France. She was a good conversationalist and liked to laugh and gossip with the others. She could tell lots of stories, especially romantic ones, because she was an old pro when it came to love.
                        “This noble example to his sheep he yaf
                        That first he wrought and afterward he taught”
            There was a poor Parson, the priest of a rural county church. He was a good man, a person who thought only holy thoughts and did only good deeds. He was very gentle, diligent, and always patient in the face of adversity. He wouldn’t look down on any of his poor parishioners for not donating money to the church. In fact, he’d rather give them what little money he himself had, especially since he lived happily on very little. He didn’t think himself better than others, but he would scold people for being too stubborn in their ways. The county where he lived was large and the houses were spread far apart, but that didn’t stop him from visiting every one of his parishioners, rich or poor. With his walking stick in hand, he’d make his rounds from house to house no matter what, even if he was sick or it was raining. He truly was the embodiment of the teachings of Jesus Christ. He lived as he preached, which set the perfect example for his parishioners, his flock of sheep. He lived by the motto, ― “If gold rusts, what would iron do?” by which he meant, ―The priest must live a holy life if he expects ordinary people to live holy lives; all hope is lost if he turns out to be corrupt. It’s a shame whenever you see a filthy shepherd watching over clean sheep, which is why priests should live by example to show their sheep how to live. The parson remained loyal to his parishioners and would never think about leaving them for a more prestigious post in London or to make more money working for a church on a wealthy landowner‘s estate. He wasn’t interested in wealth or status and wasn’t obsessed with the philosophy of ethics or morality. No, he was merely a simple shepherd who sought to save the souls of his flock by living a good life himself and setting a good example. I believe he was the finest priest in the world.

            There was also a Plowman in our group, who was actually the Parson’s brother.He wore a simple shirt and rode upon a horse. He was a lowly laborer who worked with his hands. His love for God was always foremost in his thoughts, when he was both happy and sad. He also thought about the needs and wants of other people and had just as much love for others as he had for himself. He had carted many loads of manure and would dig and work hard, all for the love of God and humanity if he could. He donated a good percentage of his income and the value of his other property to the Church on a regular basis. He was a good and loyal man who lived in happiness and peace.  
            There were six other people in our group too. There was a reeve, an overseer who looked after his master’s property. There was also a miller, who owned a mill that turned grain into flour. There were also two court officials—a summoner, who was a bailiff in the court, and a manciple, who was in charge of buying food and provisions for the court. And finally, there was a pardoner, an official who sold formal pardons to criminals after they’d confessed their sins to God. And then, of course, there was me. And that was all of us.

            The Miller was short, but he was still a pretty big guy—muscular, broad, and big boned. He liked to prove how strong he was by wrestling other people wherever he went, and he always won the matches. There wasn’t a door he couldn’t either rip off its hinges or break down with a running head butt. He wore a white coat with a blue hood and carried a sword and small shield at his side. He loved to talk, and he could tell the best bar stories, most of them about sex and sin. He would steal corn and then sell it for three times its worth. He had a beard that was as red as a fox and about the same size and shape as a gardening spade. He had a wide mouth; deep, gaping nostrils; and a wart on the tip of his nose that bristled with red hairs that looked like they grew out of a pig’s ears. He could play the bagpipes well, and he played for us as we left town. 

            There was also a Manciple, a clerk in charge of buying food and provisions for the Inner Temple, one of the courts in London. Other manicples could really learn from this guy, who was so careful about what he purchased and what he spent that he always saved a lot of money. He worked for thirty lawyers, all of whom were very smart and educated in the law. At least a dozen of them managed the wealth and lands of some of the most powerful aristocrats in England. Their job was to help the lords save money and help keep them out debt. And yet the manciple was wiser with money than all of them! It‘s proof of God‘s grace that an uneducated man with natural intelligence, such as this manciple, can be smarter and more successful than some of the most educated men.

            Then there was the Reeve, an overseer who looked after his master’s lands and property in the town of Bawdeswell in Norfolk, England. He was a bad-tempered guy who got angry easily. The hair on his head was clipped very short like a priest’s and nearly shaved clean around his ears. He also had a neatly trimmed beard, which was also shaved pretty close. He was tall and slender and had gangly legs that looked like sticks—you couldn’t even see his calves. He’d been in charge of his master’s estate since he was twenty years old. He was very meticulous about his job, and no one could fault him for being inaccurate. He always knew how much grain was in the granary and could figure out crop yields in advance based on solely on how much rain had fallen that year. He knew every one of his lord’s horses, chickens, cows, sheep, and pigs. All the other peasants who worked for the landlord were terrified of the reeve because he could tell when they were lying or trying to cheat him. He’d been a carpenter when he was younger and was still pretty good at it. He had a house underneath some shade trees in the middle of a meadow. He knew more about money and property than his master, which is how he was able to save up a small fortune over the years. It also helped that he‘d been quietly tricking his master all along, by lending him things he already owned, for example, and then taking the master‘s thank-you gifts in return. He rode a sturdy plow horse, a dappled grey named Scot, and wore a rusty sword. He wore a long blue coat that he wore draped around him, which made him look like the friar. He rode last in our group. 
            There was also a Summoner traveling with us, a man who worked as a bailiff in a religious court. He had a fire-red face just like a little angel’s because he had so many pimples. He was a pretty sketchy guy who scared little kids because of his scabby black eyebrows and his scraggily beard. There wasn’t a medicine or ointment in the world that could get rid of the pimples and boils on his face. He liked to eat garlic, onions, and leeks and drink wine that was as red as blood. And when he’d get good and drunk, he‘d go about shouting like crazy in Latin. He really only knew a few words in Latin, only because he heard the judges say them day in and day out in the courtroom. He’d repeat them over and over like a parrot. And if anyone challenged him by asking to say something else in Latin, he’d simply repeat the same question over and over: “Questio quid juris?” which meant, ―I wonder which law applies in this situtation? He was a friendly guy who’d loan his girlfriend to you for a year for a bottle of wine,probably because he knew he could secretly find another girl on the side. He had all the ladies of the court wrapped around his little finger and if he caught another man cheating, he‘d tell him not to worry about being punished by the Church because all he had to do was pay a bribe. On this subject, though, I know he was lying. Everyone should fear excommunication. He was riding around with a garland on his head to be funny, and he carried around a cake that he pretended to be his shield. 

                        “For in his male he hadde a pilwe beer,      
                        Which that he seyde, was our lady veyd”
            With the summoner rode a Pardoner from the hospital at Rouncivalle near Londona man who sold official pardons to criminals after hearing their confessions to God. He had eyes that popped out of his head like a rabbit’s and a voice that sounded like the bleating of a goat. He didn’t have a beard either, and I don’t think he ever will have one. His face was always as smooth as if he had just shaven. His thin blond hair was as yellow as wax and hung in straight, stringy wisps from his head. Just for fun, he kept his hood packed up in his bag, thinking that without it he’d look cooler and more stylish with his hair falling over his shoulders. Instead, he wore only a cap that had a patch sewn on it, showing that he’d been to Rome to see the veil of St. Veronica with Jesus’ face on it. In fact, he’d just come back from Rome, and the bag he carried on his lap was stuffed full of letters of pardon for him to sell. He and the summoner were close friends and together would belt out rounds of the song ― “Come here, my love”.Not even a trumpet was half as loud as the summoner. I’m pretty sure the pardoner was either a eunuch or gay. Still, he was one of the most interesting pardoners in all of England. He carried a pillowcase in his bag that he claimed contained a bunch of holy objects, including Mary’s veil, a piece of canvas from the sails of Saint Peter’s fishing boat, a crucifix made of brass and jewels, and even a jar of pig bones. He could make more money in a day charging country bumpkins and priests to see these ―relicsthan those priests could earn in two months. And so, through flattery and deceit he‘d make fools out of the country folk and their priests. But, to give him credit, he took churchgoing seriously and could read lessons and stories from the Bible well. And he was best at singing the offertory song because he knew he had to sing loudly and happily if he wanted people to donate their money.   So now I’ve told you as best I can everything about the people in our little group—who they were, what they looked like, what they wore, and why we were all together in the Tabard Inn in the city of Southwark, England.

            Next, I’m going to tell you about what we all did that night after we’d checked into the hotel, and after that I’ll tell you about the rest of our pilgrimage to Canterbury. But first, I have to ask for your forgiveness and not think me vulgar when I tell you what these people said and did. I’ve got to tell you these things exactly how they happened and repeat these stories word for word as best I can so that you get the facts straight without any of my interpretation. Jesus Christ told it like it is in the scriptures, and that wasn‘t considered to be vulgar. And Plato says (to the people who can read Greek anyway) that words must match the actions as closely as possible. I also beg your forgiveness if my storytelling changes your perception of the kinds of people these travelers were: I’m really not that clever, you see.

            Our Host, the owner of the Tabard Inn, welcomed all of us and served us dinner right away. The food was really good and the wine really strong, which we all were grateful for. The host seemed like he was a good enough innkeeper to have even been a butler in some great house. He was 100% man, big and with bulging eyes—bigger than any of the merchants in the markets of London, that’s for sure. He spoke in a straightforward manner that conveyed his wisdom and his learning. He was also pretty jolly, and after dinner he started telling jokes and funny stories—after we’d paid the bill, of course—and said, ―Gentlemen, “I welcome you from the bottom of my heart. To tell you the truth, we haven’t had as large a group of people all year who seem as happy as you. I wish I could think of some way to entertain you, and—oh, wait! I’ve thought of something and, best of all, it won‘t cost you a penny!”

            “You are all going to Canterbury, where the martyr, Thomas Becket will hear your prayers and bless you. God be with you and speed you on your way! Well, I figure that you‘ll probably tell stories and whatnot to pass the time during your journey because it’d be pretty boring otherwise. I said before that I want to entertain you, so with your permission, I ask that you listen to what I have to say. And I swear on my father‘s grave that if you aren’t entertained as you ride off to Canterbury tomorrow, you can have my own head! Now hold up your hands, and don’t say another word!”
            I didn‘t take long for us to decide to do as he asked, and we told him to just tell us what to do “Gentlemen”, he said, “listen carefully, and try to understand what I’m about to propose. I’ll make this short and sweet. I propose that each of you tell us two stories to help pass the time on the way to Canterbury, and then tell two more stories about the olden days on the way back. And whichever one of you tells the most informative or funny story will get a free dinner paid by the rest of us right here in my hotel when you all get back. And, to make sure you enjoy the journey, I’ll pay my own way to go with you and be your guide. I’ll also decide who tells the best story. And anyone who questions my judgment can pay the entire cost of the trip for everyone. Let me know if this sounds like a good idea to you, and I’ll go get ready”.

             We all loved the idea and promised that we’d follow the rules of the bet and asked him to come with us to Canterbury and be the judge of the contest. We all ordered some wine and drank a toast, then immediately went to bed.

            Our host got up the next morning at dawn and woke all of us up. We set out at a normal walking pace and rode to a stream where a lot of pilgrims on the way to Canterbury stop for a rest. Our host stopped his horse and said to us, “Gentlemen, your attention please. Remember our agreement from last night? Well, let‘s find out who’s going to tell the first story. Remember that I‘ll be the judge and that anyone who disagrees with me will have to pay the cost of the entire trip for everyone from here on out. Now, let’s draw straws before we go any further, and whoever gets the shortest straw will go first. Mr. Knight, my good man, I’ve decided that you’ll draw first, so please take a straw. Come on over, Madame Prioress. And now you, Mr. Clerk— come on, don‘t be shy! Come on, everyone, grab a straw”.

            Everyone drew a straw, and—to make a long story short—somehow the knight drew the shortest straw, whether by fate or accident. Everyone was relieved that he would be the first to go. And that was that. The good knight, for his part, didn’t complain at all, but sucked it up and said, ― “Looks like it’s me. Must be God‘s will! Now let‘s get going, and listen to my story”.

            “And he bigan with right a mery chere
            His tale anon and seyde in this manere”

History of English Literature - Timeline

History of English Literature - Timeline
General Era:
  v  Old English Era                      -           450 to 1066
  v  Middle English Era                 -           1066 to 1500
  v  Renaissance Era                      -           1500 to 1660
  v  Neo – Classical Era                 -           1660 to 1798
  v  Romantic Era                          -           1798 to 1850
  v  Victorian Era                           -           1850 to 1900
  v  Modern Era                             -           1901 to 1960
  v  Post Modern Era                     -           1960 to present

           Literary Ages:
  µ  The Age of Chaucer                -           1340 to 1400
  µ  15th Century and Renaissance -           1400 to 1557
  µ  The Age of Shakespeare         -           1558 to 1625
  µ  The Age of Milton                  -           1625 to 1660
  µ  The Age of Dryden                 -           1660 to 1700
  µ  The Age of Pope                     -           1700 to 1745
(Or) The Age of Sensibility
  µ  The Age of Dr.Johnson           -           1745 to 1798
(Or) The Age of Transition
(Or) Pre – Romantic Period
  µ  The Age of Wordsworth         -           1798 to 1832  
(Or) The Renaissance of Wonder
(Or) Romantic Age
  µ  The Age of Tennyson             -           1832 to 1887
  µ  The Age of Hardy                   -           1887 to 1928

Historic Period:
  |  Anglo – Saxon Period           -           450 to 1066
  |  Anglo – Norman Period       -           1066 to 1340
  |  The Age of Chaucer                         -           1340 to 1400
§  Edward III      (1327 to 1377)
§  Richard II       (1377 to 1413)
§  Henry IV         (1399 to 1413)
  |  15th Century (1400 to 1500)
§  Henry V          (1413 to 1422)
§  Henry VI         (1422 to 1461)
§  Edward IV      (1461 to 1483)
§  Edward V       (1483 to 1483)
§  Richard III      (1483 to 1485)
§  Henry VII       (1485 to 1509)
  |  Tudor Period (1500 to 1558)
§  Henry VIII      (1509 to 1547)
§  Edward VI      (1547 to 1553)
§  Mary Tudor     (1553 to 1558)
  |  The Elizabethan Age (1558 to 1603)
§  Queen Elizabeth (1558 to 1603)
  |  Jacobean Period (1603 to 1625)
§  James I (1603 to 1625)
  |  Caroline Period (1603 to 1649)
§  Charles I (1625 to 1649)
  |  Commonwealth Period (1649 to 1660)
(Or) Puritan Period
§  Rule of Rump (1649 to 1653)
§  Oliver Cromwell (1653 to 1658)
§  Richard Cromwell (1658 to 1660)
  |  Restoration Period (1660 to 1700)
§  Charles II (1660 to 1685)
§  James II (1685 to 1688)
§  William and Mary (1688 to 1702)
  |  Queen Anne Period (1700 to 1714)
§  Queen Anne (1702 to 1714)
  |  Georgian Period I (1714 to 1830)
§  George I (1714 to 1721)
§  George II (1727 to 1760)
§  George III (1760 to 1820)
§  George IV (1820 to 1830)
§  William IV (1830 to 1837)
  |  Victorian Period (1850 to 1900)
§  Queen Victoria (1837 to 1901)
  |  Edwardian Period (1901 to 1910)
§  Edward VII (1901 to 1910)
  |  Georgian Period II (1910 to 1952)
§  George V (1910 to 1936)
§  George VI (1936 to 1952)
  |  Elizabethan Period II (1953 to present)

§  Queen Elizabeth (1953 to present)

Wings of Fire (My Early Days - chapter 1) A.P.J Abdul Kalam

 My Early Days                                                                                        A.P.J Abdul Kalam Introduction:      D...